Factoring in Construction and Predatory Tactics | Solidus  

Nov 29, 2023

Factoring in Construction and Predatory Tactics | Solidus  

Nov 29, 2023

Factoring in Construction and Predatory Tactics | Solidus  

Nov 29, 2023

Factoring in Construction and Predatory Tactics | Solidus  

Nov 29, 2023

Construction Factoring Predatory Tactics
Construction Factoring Predatory Tactics
Construction Factoring Predatory Tactics
Construction Factoring Predatory Tactics

Factoring in Construction: Unmasking the Predatory Tactics Preying on Industry Businesses 

In the fast-paced construction industry, where deadlines are tight, cash is king. For subcontractors and smaller construction companies, maintaining a steady cash flow is not just about meeting the bottom line; it's about survival. This is where the concept of construction factoring has found its footing. However, in this article, we'll uncover the hidden truth behind factoring in the construction industry and why it might not be the healthiest option for funding your construction project. 

The Impact of Factoring on Cash Flow in Construction Businesses 

  • Immediate Cash Flow Benefits: Factoring, at first glance, can seem like a lifeline. Construction factoring is often hailed for its quick and easy cash solutions. Instead of waiting for customers to pay their invoices, businesses can obtain a cash advance promptly by partnering with construction factoring companies. The primary advantage here is the speed of access to funds. Unlike traditional loans, which can take weeks or months for approval, factoring allows businesses to secure financing within 24 hours. This expedited funding is made possible because receivables are straightforward to verify, and the process demands minimal paperwork. 

  • Long-term Financial Drain: However, the benefits come with a price. High-interest rates, often ranging from 12% to 65% or more, can lead to substantial financial drain over time. Quick cash today could mean significantly more paid out in interest tomorrow. The instant gratification of factoring can turn into a long-term financial headache. 

Examples: Real-World Impacts 

Here's where we can understand the real-world impacts of construction factoring through some case studies. 

  • Immediate Cash Flow Relief: A subcontractor taking on multiple small projects faced cash flow issues due to delayed payments from clients. To bridge the gap, they turned to construction factoring. Initially, they were pleased with the instant cash injections, which allowed them to cover operating costs without interruption. However, over time, they realized the high fees associated with factoring were chipping away at their profits. The long-term financial drain became evident, impacting their bottom line. 

  • The Dilemma of Recourse Factoring: A general contractor entered into a construction factoring agreement with a recourse clause. When one of their clients declared bankruptcy, they were held accountable for repaying the factoring company. This scenario resulted in an unexpected financial burden and showcased how construction factoring could expose businesses to unforeseen risks. 

Unveiling the Hidden Costs of Factoring in Construction Projects 

  • High Factoring Fees: Factoring companies aren't charities; they charge for their services. Initial fees, typically between 0.90% to 3.50% of the invoice's total value, can quickly add up. The temptation of quick cash can be dulled by the factoring company's share. The fees may vary based on factors such as the amount being factored, the duration customers take to pay, the number of years in business, the diversity of the customer base, and customer credit quality. 

  • Hidden Charges and Terms: Another aspect of hidden costs is the complex contractual terms and charges that construction factoring companies often include. These could range from service fees, processing fees, reserve fees, and even termination fees. These fees, when not carefully scrutinized, can surprise businesses and cut into their earnings. 

  • Impact on Business Relationships: Factoring can also strain client relationships. The factoring company takes over invoice collections, which might result in clients paying directly to the factor. When customers discover that their invoices have been factored, it may raise questions about the financial stability and practices of the business. This can lead to strained relationships with clients, which can be detrimental to future projects and opportunities. Often, factoring leaves clients uneasy and harms the crucial trust between subcontractor and client. 

Factoring: A Double-Edged Sword for Construction Companies  

  • The Upside: Appeal of Quick Cash. Factoring offers the appeal of quick cash, eliminating the need for extensive paperwork, collateral, or credit checks. It's like a financial fast track. But, just like a rollercoaster, the ride can be thrilling at first – but stomach-churning later. 

  • The Downside: High Costs and Unfavorable Terms. The downsides of construction factoring become more apparent as businesses delve deeper into the details of their agreements. The high costs, non-negotiable terms, and potential impacts on business relationships all contribute to the overall unfavorable nature of this practice. 

The Pitfalls of Factoring Agreements in the Construction Industry 

  • Restrictive Clauses: Construction factoring agreements often contain restrictive clauses that limit the freedom of businesses. These clauses may prevent companies from taking on larger projects or working with certain clients, which can be a significant disadvantage in a competitive industry. 

  • Lack of Regulatory Oversight: The factoring industry often operates with less regulatory oversight compared to traditional financing institutions like banks or even private lenders. The lack of checks and balances can leave construction businesses vulnerable to predatory practices. 

Complex Contract Terminology 

Factoring agreements can be complex, with intricate legal jargon that may not be clear to business owners. This complexity can result in businesses entering into agreements without a full understanding of the terms and their implications. 

How Factoring Companies Exploit Vulnerabilities in Construction Businesses =

  • Targeting Smaller Subcontractors: One way that factoring companies prey on construction businesses is by targeting smaller subcontractors. These businesses often lack the financial resources to weather extended payment delays, making them more susceptible to the quick cash allure of factoring. 

  • Exploitation of Financial Pressures: Factoring companies thrive on the financial pressures that construction businesses face. The uncertainty of project timelines and payments creates the perfect conditions for factoring companies to swoop in with offers of immediate cash. 

  • Lack of Transparency: The lack of transparency in factoring agreements means businesses may not fully grasp the financial implications of factoring until they're deeply entrenched in the practice. 

Factoring vs. Traditional Financing: Pros and Cons for Construction Projects 

  • Interest Rates: While factoring offers quick cash, the sky-high interest rates overshadow the benefits. One of the key differences between factoring and traditional financing is the interest rates. Factoring companies charge higher interest rates, often ranging from 12% to 65% or more. This is significantly higher than the interest rates typically associated with bank loans or other traditional financing options. In contrast, traditional bank loans, despite their lengthy approval process, often come with lower interest rates, making them a more cost-effective option in the long term. 

  • Repayment Terms: The repayment terms in factoring agreements are rigid and may not align with a business's financial stability. In contrast, traditional financing often offers more flexibility in repayment schedules. 

  • Credit Ratings: While traditional financing, such as bank loans, considers a business's credit rating, factoring doesn't require a credit check. This makes factoring more accessible to businesses with poor credit scores, but the cost of accessibility is high interest rates and unfavorable terms. Traditional financing institutions consider a business's credit history, which can be both an advantage and a drawback. Good credit might secure a more favorable loan, while bad credit could be a stumbling block. 

Strategies for Protecting Your Construction Business from Factoring Predators

  • Due Diligence: The best defense against the pitfalls of construction factoring is due diligence. Carefully review factoring agreements, consider alternative financing options, and consult with financial and legal advisors before committing to any agreement. 

  • Seeking Legal Advice: Legal advice is invaluable in understanding complex factoring agreements. Legal experts can help businesses navigate contractual terms and protect their interests. 

  • Establishing Strong Financial Management Practices: Strong financial management practices can mitigate the need for factoring. By improving your invoicing and receivables collection processes, you can maintain healthier cash flow without turning to factoring. Proper budgeting, cash flow planning, and the use of financial tools can help businesses maintain a healthy financial position. 

Legal and Ethical Concerns Surrounding Factoring Practices in Construction 

  • Legal Implications: The legal implications of factoring in the construction industry can be complex. It's crucial for businesses to be aware of the legal obligations and responsibilities they are taking on when entering into factoring agreements. Factoring practices can sometimes raise legal concerns, especially when restrictive clauses or predatory terms are involved. Subcontractors might find themselves entangled in legal battles. 

  • Ethical Dilemmas: Factoring can also pose ethical dilemmas, particularly when a client relationship is disrupted due to the involvement of the factoring company. Maintaining trust and professionalism can become challenging. There are ethical concerns surrounding factoring practices, particularly when it comes to transparency and the well-being of the businesses involved. The industry must address these concerns to ensure a fair and equitable financial environment for all. 

Explore Non-Predatory Construction Lending with Solidus 

  • Disrupting the Status Quo: Solidus is redefining the construction lending landscape, offering an ethical and sustainable alternative to construction factoring. We believe that subcontractors and construction businesses deserve better financial solutions that support their growth without subjecting them to predatory financial practices. 

  • Who We Are: We are Solidus, a team of construction professionals and advisors with over 100 years of collective experience in the industry. We provide construction loans specifically designed for construction people, helping them navigate the complex world of construction finance. 

  • Our Mission: At Solidus, our mission is clear - we aim to offer financial partnerships that work for subcontractors and construction businesses. We understand your unique needs and provide retention loans without personal guarantees, procurement loans with minimal to no cost, and employ innovative technology to streamline your loan management and project tracking. 

  • Our Commitment: We are committed to transforming the construction financing landscape. We want to ensure that subcontractors and construction businesses have access to ethical and economical financial solutions, empowering them to manage their cash flow, take on new projects, pay their teams, and grow their businesses. 


While construction factoring can offer a lifeline to businesses facing cash flow challenges, its long-term implications are often detrimental. The high costs, unfavorable terms, and potential impact on business relationships make it a less-than-ideal financing option. Businesses must weigh the immediate benefits against the hidden costs. 

At Solidus, we believe in offering a financial partnership that supports the growth and well-being of construction businesses without subjecting them to predatory financial practices. We invite you to explore our construction lending solutions that can help your business thrive without the long-term financial drain that factoring often brings. 

If you're a subcontractor or construction professional looking for ethical financial solutions, reach out to Solidus today. Together, we can redefine construction financing in a way that benefits the businesses that build our world. 

Join us in this financial revolution and explore the possibilities with Solidus - loans designed by construction people, for construction people. 


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Brian LaGrange

Brian LaGrange

Brian LaGrange

My experience spans across Hospitality and Real Estate sectors where I've had the opportunity to work on diverse projects, from Restaurants and Hotels/Resorts to Life Science facilities and Mixed-use Golf Developments. I encourage you to book a meeting with me, so together we can explore potential strategies and solutions that could benefit your business.

My experience spans across Hospitality and Real Estate sectors where I've had the opportunity to work on diverse projects, from Restaurants and Hotels/Resorts to Life Science facilities and Mixed-use Golf Developments. I encourage you to book a meeting with me, so together we can explore potential strategies and solutions that could benefit your business.

My experience spans across Hospitality and Real Estate sectors where I've had the opportunity to work on diverse projects, from Restaurants and Hotels/Resorts to Life Science facilities and Mixed-use Golf Developments. I encourage you to book a meeting with me, so together we can explore potential strategies and solutions that could benefit your business.

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Loans made or arranged pursuant to a California Finance Lenders Law license. Cal. Code Regs. tit. 10, § 1550(a).

Loans for subcontractors to transform retention and procurement.

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©2023 Solidus. All Rights Reserved.
1600 Dove Street Suite #400, Newport Beach, CA. 92660.

Loans made or arranged pursuant to a California Finance Lenders Law license. Cal. Code Regs. tit. 10, § 1550(a).

Loans for subcontractors to transform retention and procurement.

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©2023 Solidus. All Rights Reserved.
1600 Dove Street Suite #400, Newport Beach, CA. 92660.

Loans made or arranged pursuant to a California Finance Lenders Law license. Cal. Code Regs. tit. 10, § 1550(a).

Loans for subcontractors to transform retention and procurement.

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©2023 Solidus. All Rights Reserved.
1600 Dove Street Suite #400, Newport Beach, CA. 92660.

Loans made or arranged pursuant to a California Finance Lenders Law license. Cal. Code Regs. tit. 10, § 1550(a).